Science is the true culture of humanity. The culture of science evolved through humanity’s struggle, originally for their survival in understanding nature’s acts and later to utilize its resources. Since the invention of fire in prehistoric times, science and scientific methods have become an inseparable part of human life and lifestyle.Throughout the advancement of civilization, science has had profound impacts on human society in terms of values, ethics, mode of thinking, lifestyle, and code of conduct,offering humanity an important philosophical source and technological tool. Yet science does not fall under the conventional definition of culture. Its power of change has been well accepted by society because the application of scientific knowledge helps to satisfy many basic human needs and improve living standards. Scientific methods developed through a rigorous process of i) observation, ii) formulation of hypotheses, and iii) testing of the hypotheses through experimentation take humans to the proximity of truths. But why could the methods not take root in human culture? Scientific culture is important to advance human society. Besides the immeasurable influence of science on the formation of our understanding of the world, our view of society, and our outlook on nature, science is not integrated into human culture. Is this a limitation of human perception or discrimination against it? The present essay calls for understanding science as a culture.
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